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Disney Caribbean Beach Dec 2024 - Day 4

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Disney Caribbean Beach Dec 2024 - Day 3

Day 3! Here we go! I slept in. I think I left at like 10:30am. Oh the beauty of solo travel. I didn't order any food and ate a bit of the food I brougtht - peaunt butter tortillas, dried mango, almonds. And I did all my supplements. Hauled them all with. And did the dang thing. I did do lightning pass for the day so I did have times I needed to be in Hollywood Studios but it was an easy morning, chilling and getting ready. First, fit check. Then I headed to the Skyliner which was SO dang close. Like I can't tell you how close it was. THen it was off we go! I was a little worried about getting on at Riviera where no one gets off, but it was easy peasy. Probably because I was riding at such an odd time. Tower of Terror was my first ride of the day. I screwed up again though and put Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller Coaster an hour apart. It's just super awkward because they're both SO far away from basically everything else, so I got my steps in going across the park so m...

Disney Caribbean Beach Dec 2024 - Day 2

Disney Day 2! Hotel + Party day! I got awesome sleep the night before. It's kind of nice ending the day with Animal Kingdom because then the park closes well before bedtime. I woke up feeling good, almost like I didn't need a relaxing morning and afternoon, but knew it was going to be a long night and I would rather be feeling good for the whole party instead of falling asleep lol. Prepare for a bunch of Skyliner pictures. And Christmas party pictures... I took my time getting up and ready and then headed over to Riviera to get some breakfast. I can't tell you how much I love the menu at Primo Piatto. And that's saying something - I just don't care all that much about food. I like it plain. Though I do like it pretty! Anyways, there's a bunch of things on the menu that sound awesome when usually I only get a few options, so I knew I wanted to try it. (Spoiler, I actually didn't even each at Caribbean Beach lol.) I mobile ordered and then went to check ou...