Today I thought I'd talk about hair chalking. I'm by no means an expert. I've only chalked my hair a few times, but I've tried a couple different ways and thought I'd write down my thoughts. The first time I tried hair chalking was last summer. (The below Instagram picture was from then.) I used chalk pastels - you know, the kind you used in middle school. Real art supplies. I had mine from college and was excited to bust them out even if it wasn't to draw something. I simply used the red, which looks pink in my hair. They say you should wet the chalk somehow, but I applied it dry and it worked just fine. If I had cared about turning my hands red, I would have put a paper towel between my hands and the chalk, but I just got messy. There wasn't really any residual chalk, because the pastel sticks are so compact that you really had to draw on your hair to get the color to come off, but that meant that I didn't worry too much about it coming off all over my clothes. Of course it will come off, since it's just chalk, but it seemed like it would stay pretty well, especially compared to the next way I tried chalking.
I pinned this pin on pinterest and that's how I stumbled upon this second way of chalking. I did NOT use the Anastasia Hypercolors, since I wasn't sure how often I'd actually chalk my hair (not really corporate work appropriate), and honestly, I didn't know how well it would work. I used the NYX Primal Colors Pressed Pigments Facepowders. They're vibrant pressed colors. And I didn't use alcohol, just water. I figured that I managed fine with no water the first time, that I didn't need alcohol this time. Plus doesn't alcohol dry out your hair? Anyways, I just wet a cotton pad, rubbed it in the color and pressed my hair between both. What a mess this one made, and I feel like if I rub up against anything, all the color will transfer. The powder was just too soft and chalky and it got everywhere; my black sweatshirt looked like a tornado of yellow hit it. Maybe I was just too aggressive with the yellow because the purple/pink went a little better, but man - still messy.
So overall, if you're going to chalk, buy supplies made for chalking OR if you don't want to spend the money, go to an art store or craft store and buy yourself a whole box of pastels. (Btw, did you notice I had to do a vertical picture? My hair is so long, that to try and fit it all in in a horizontal picture, it just looked silly with all the extra space on the sides. haha. But I love it!)